[Your Name]
[Your Address]
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[House of Representatives] [or United States Senate]
[Room Number and Office Building of Rep or Senator]
Washington, D.C. 20515 (for House) or 20510 (for Senate)
Re: Pledge to support Harry Reids Bill to incentivize States to abolish statute of limitations for sexual assault
Dear Representative ________ / Senator _____________
If you have not heard Sen Harry Reid is drafting a bill to incentivize states to end or at the very least extend statute of limitations laws for crimes against children.
Statute of limitations laws affect boys, girls, women and men. Whereas an alleged perpetrator has due process protection, victims are left with little relief from current laws. Coming forward decades later is an accepted phenomenon, not just for adults sexual abused as children but also for women and men who have been raped.
The alleged survivors of Bill Cosby are an example. Even after forty plus women have come forward, there is little recourse for them. They are not only silenced by their perpetrator but also silenced by laws that should provide balanced justice for victims and accused.
[Put your story here or put something personal about someone that is affected by the current laws]
Please consider co-sponsoring the bill with Senator Harry Reid. Women, men, boys and girls deserve as much legal rights as the perpetrators that live freely beyond the reach of justice.
Most Sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone]
[House of Representatives] [or United States Senate]
[Room Number and Office Building of Rep or Senator]
Washington, D.C. 20515 (for House) or 20510 (for Senate)
Re: Pledge to support Harry Reids Bill to incentivize States to abolish statute of limitations for sexual assault
Dear Representative ________ / Senator _____________
If you have not heard Sen Harry Reid is drafting a bill to incentivize states to end or at the very least extend statute of limitations laws for crimes against children.
Statute of limitations laws affect boys, girls, women and men. Whereas an alleged perpetrator has due process protection, victims are left with little relief from current laws. Coming forward decades later is an accepted phenomenon, not just for adults sexual abused as children but also for women and men who have been raped.
The alleged survivors of Bill Cosby are an example. Even after forty plus women have come forward, there is little recourse for them. They are not only silenced by their perpetrator but also silenced by laws that should provide balanced justice for victims and accused.
[Put your story here or put something personal about someone that is affected by the current laws]
Please consider co-sponsoring the bill with Senator Harry Reid. Women, men, boys and girls deserve as much legal rights as the perpetrators that live freely beyond the reach of justice.
Most Sincerely,