Sample Letter 1 from
Template for letter for Republican US Senator Co-Sponsorship - FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations
This is a sample letter I'm using as we seek co-sponsorship for the FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations You are welcome to use portions of it but, please change my information to yours, representing yourself. I thank you for your time and help in making this importantpeice of legislature possible, to provide safer environments for our children
Template for letter for Republican US Senator Co-Sponsorship
[your name]
[your mailing address]
Re: Seeking Republican US Senators to Co-sponsor for FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Law in Louisiana.
To Republican US Senators:
[1 – one sentence subject with call to action – why are you writing]
[2 – the issue]
[3 – the solution - FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Law ]
[4 – why this issue matters to you]
[5 – call to action: co-sponsor FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Law ]
Respectfully submitted,
*your signature, in blue ink, goes above your printed name
[print your name]
EXAMPLE of Letter:
March 23, 2014 [INSERT TODAY’s DATE]
To: US Republican Senators or Representatives
From: Connie Lee/FACSA Foundation/Founder/President
Re: Reintroduction of the FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Law .
[Please insert your own personal information here and delete the following bolded text.]
Dear Senator/Representative (Please use one and the name of the person addressing),
Enclosed is the FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Bill the citizens of Louisiana would like to see passed for the great state of Louisiana.
FACSA Foundation (Family and Friends Fighting Against Child Sexual Assault)
is FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Bill. Thank you for help in proposing this to legislation, as I strongly believe our children deserve justice for the crimes committed against children.
Children are molested every four seconds
One out of every three are girls
One out every six are boys
1 in 10 % are ever disclosed
The FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Bill will drastically improve the lives of sexually assaulted children, their families, and their communities that support them.
This bill proposal is FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Law on all child sexual molestation, rape and incest cases. I suggest there be no statute of limitations due to the fact that 59% of young traumatized sexually assaulted children do not remember until they reach the age of 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. It is this time frame that the victims become adults, gaining independence of their perpetrator; and develop mature intimate relationships.
Psychologists estimate that 40 million adults, 15 million of those being men (Adams 1991), in the United States were sexually abused in childhood often by parents, close relatives and other elders on whom they were dependent. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime 46% of rape committed in the United States is perpetrated by a family member.[11]
Effects of child rape include depression,[12] post-traumatic stress disorder,[13] anxiety,[14] propensity to re-victimization in adulthood,[15] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[16] Children, including but not limited to adolescents, raped by their parents and other close elders are often called 'secret survivors' by psychologists, as they often are unable or unwilling to tell anyone about these rapes due to implicit or explicit threats by the adult rapist, fear of abandonment by the rapist, and/or overwhelming shame. Since the signs of these rapes are usually invisible except to trained professionals, these children often suffer ongoing offenses in silence until independence from the adult rapist is attained. By that time, the statute of limitations is often long-expired.
A Public Health approach situates child sexual abuse in its larger context of individual, family and community health. Public Health emphasizes the value of primary prevention in ending the "epidemic" of violence and abuse by supporting families in health. A Public Health approach looks at the long-term, wide reaching effects of child sexual abuse by analyzing: 1) the statistical percentages of people affected by child sexual abuse;
2) the long-term impact of child sexual abuse for some survivors in the form of poor mental and physical health outcomes, including but not limited to harmful or chaotic drug use, harmful sexual relationships and behavior, and chronic illness;
3) the costs to society, measured in mental health issues, job instability, disability, medical costs, legal and judicial costs, etc.; and
4) the ongoing impact of an uninterrupted cycle of violence on public health. Some public health approaches have adopted outreach and services for offenders as a primary prevention strategy.
A strength of the Public Health approach is its focus on primary prevention and education and its emphasis on the health not only of individuals but of families, communities, and society. A weakness is its tendency to reduce complicated health and social issues to a single "cause," framing child sexual abuse statistics in ways that can pathologies survivors rather than investigate the social factors that contribute to or mitigate the severity and duration of negative effects.
Please sign the petition showing your support for No Statute of Limitations, and let's fight for the children of Louisiana, together.FACSA Foundation (Family and Friends Fighting Against Child Sexual Assault)
I am enclosing the statistics for the FACSA Foundation No Statute of Limitations Bill. Thank you for help in proposing this to legislation.
Children are molested every four seconds
One out of every three are girls
One out every six are boys
1 in 10 % are ever disclosed
The FACSA Foundation No statute of Limitations Bill will drastically improve the lives of sexually assaulted children, their families, and their communities that support them.
1) The proposal is no statute of limitations on all child sexual molestation, rape and incest cases. I suggest there be no statute of limitations due to the fact that 59% of young traumatized sexually assaulted children do not remember until they reach the age of 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. It is this time frame that the victims become adults, gaining independence of their perpetrator; and develop mature intimate relationships. You can add stipulations such as DNA Evidence (DNA evidence would include children and STD’s from the perpetrator), Psychotherapy, Polygraph (which is inadmissible in court but would substantiate the claim), confessions, or any other evidence necessary to back up the claim.
Your voice counts and the children are counting on you. Thank you.
Connie Lee/Founder/President
110 Martin Street
Springhill, LA. 71075
[Insert your First and Last Name here, delete Connie’s name.]
[Insert your Street Address – Mandatory for validation.]
[Insert your City, State Zip Code – Mandatory for validation.]
[Insert your phone number – optional.]
[Insert your email address – optional.]
Republican US Senator Contact Info:
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